Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ludobites 007 Round 2 (08.17.11)

Our usual LudoBites crowd reassembled again and was part of our Round 2 at 007. We had gone to our first LudoBites (5.0) with them and again at 6.0 when we managed to snag a rezzie after a cancellation. We were all excited to meet up again and of course we knew the drill...each couple brought 2 bottles of vino!

We again ordered everything off the menu plus the new additions that Ludo had added since our last visit.

Onion Tart, Bottarga - This was just as good as the first time we had it. Flat bread with creme fraiche, caramelized sweet onions and bottarga (cured fish roe). The entire table loved it.

Jamaican Fried Chicken Wings - The order came with 6 wings and they were served piping hot. To add to the ambience (?), they were served along with a set of gloves. Yes, you read right...gloves. Half of our group consisted of chemists so they all joked about not having worn gloves in the lab since ... well, it had been so long that they did not remember! The wings had a nice spice to it...not overwhelming...just the right amount of heat and lots of flavor!

Bouillabaise Milkshake - This received mixed reviews. Our dining companions were all over the age of 40...actually, I think they were all over 50 but who's counting? The men most definitely did not care for it. The faces they made were priceless! As were their vocal cues when they tasted the milkshake. I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. It was definitely interesting. On first sip you could detect fishiness but the more you sipped (it was served with a straw) and the more wine you paired with it (we paired with a Trecini Sauv Blanc), the more it grew on me.

Dorade Ceviche, Cucumber Water, Cornichons, Borrage Flower - This time they toned down on the lemon. Which was a good thing because I was seriously going to have to make an effort to stop the nasty pucker face I make when I have lemon. Same as last time, the fish was very fresh and the cucumber water very refreshing.

Ludo took out the Tomato Soup with Carrots and Squid and replaced it with a much better dish. Squid, Ash, Chorizo - This definitely appealed to my palate a lot better than the tomato soup. Ludo always does squid right. It had just the right snap when you bit into it and the chorizo gave it the salt and spice it needed. We found out that Ludo loves, Loves, LOVES chorizo while watching the Redondo Beach episode of LudoBites America.

Raw Beef "Flambe" Japanese Whiskey, Rainbow Carrots, Shallots - This was a good dish. I tasted more lemon in this dish than I did in the ceviche. I only managed to get a couple of small bites in. It was good but I felt it needed some bread or some sort of carb to go with it. Not my fave dish of the night but it wasn't bad. Maybe it was because I didn't taste any whiskey in the mix.

Salt Cod Panna Cotta, Whipped Fingerling Potato, Smoked Tapioca, Black Olive Bread - This time around the panna cotta was a lot more to our liking. The hubby and I both agreed, the texture was a lot creamier and was more panna cotta-like than the last time we had it. That definitely helped.

Pig's Head Compressed and Cheddar, BBQ Gelee - We ordered this but opted to not have it again so our dining companions could have a bit more of it. We weren't overly impressed with this dish the last time around so we opted to pass and save room for the other savory dishes.

Egg, Sea Urchin, Caviar, Champagne Beurre Blanc - The dish seemed to be better prepared this time around. The mixture was creamier and more refined. I definitely liked it more this time than last.

Plancha Tandoori Octopus, Yogurt, Cauliflower, Grapefruit - Again, Ludo did not fail with the octopus. This was no different. The tandoori flavor wasn't overwhelming. The yogurt and cauliflower added some texture to the dish and per my hubby, the grapefruit complemented the octopus really well and brightened up the dish.

Foie Gras "French Dim Sum," Crispy Kimchi, Sake-Black Truffle Cream - This dish was so memorable for us that we recommended each couple get their own order! So our greedy little group ordered 3 plates of this wonderful dish. It did not disappoint and everyone enjoyed it immensely! I tasted more of the kimchi this time in the ravioli and the foie's fatty taste was heightened by the crunch of the kimchi.

Duck, Cherry, Spicy Saucisse, Beets, Radish - This had been another memorable dish for us. We paired this with a Provenance Cab Sauv and it went great with it! I tasted more of the spice in the saucisse this time and more salt. Overall still a solid dish.

Poached Ribeye, Horseradish Cream, Green Beans, Dried Mole - Ludo changed it up a bit this time. Still his take on roast beef fut instead of having just roast beef like before, he did ribeye. Great flavor. I thought the horseradish cream was awesome and the dried mole was unique. No one else had tried the dried mole before and were very impressed with it.

Epoisse Cheese Risotto, Hazelnut, Egg Yolk, Herb Salad - Again, the risotto was Treally good. Not too heavy at all! Almost as if it were a "light" risotto. The herb salad was much better this time. Not too acidic like the last time.

Ludo swapped out the Peach Melba Vacherin, Lavender with a Lavender Tropezienne Tart, Lychee. - Another great dessert. It looked like either a giant whoopie pie or a mini cake made of cookies with a great filling...take your pick. I definitely tasted the lavender but the lychee was not very apparent to me.

Lastly, we ordered the Smoked Vanilla Bacon Creme Brulee, Strawberry Gazpacho. The hubby and I loved this dessert! Our dining companions didn't care for it, not did Jonathan Gold in his review, for that matter. But we sure enjoyed it. It was savory and sweet and perfect!

We have one more rezzie left for this run of LudoBites and I can't wait to see what he'll add to the menu next week.

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